Bamby Duong, Lélexo National Educator contributes in the Problems and Solution section of the May issue of Dermascope and here is what she has to say…
“With pun intended, menopausal itching can disrupt your sleep, work and even intimacy period! Fluctuations and depletion of hormones during this stage may lead to itchy, inflamed, flakey, and/or broken out skin. Menopausal itching can appear in the face, chest, neck, back, arms, elbows, legs and vagina. As the body produces less estrogen, this hormone is a vital component in the skins’ collagen growth. With that said the body will retain less moisture thus attaining dehydrated skin as well. Simple lifestyle changes like taking omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B and drinking a minimum of 64 oz. a day will assist to alleviate the itch, hydrate the skin and improve the texture. Take warm showers and moisturize right afterwards to lock in the moisture. Use topical products that contain antioxidants and non-detergent cleansing agents, like green tea, oatmeal or a milky cleanser. Always apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen and avoid long periods of sun exposure. Furthermore, seek a medical professional to treat the hormone fluctuations at the source. As this may be a symptom of something more serious.”
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